Machico is rife with history. It was in the bay of Machico that the settlers first landed, in the 15th century, when discovering the Island, thus, making it an important part of Madeiran history.
The exact origin of the name Machico is subject to much debate and there are several theories about its origin. However, the most popular is the romantic tale of Robert Machim and Ana d'Arfet, doomed lovers shipwrecked in Machico.
Machico hosts many cultural events with the main stage located in the central square. With fantastic views over the bay, the square is the perfect place to enjoy events like Mercado Quinhentista and Festa Gastronómica de Machico that occur during the summer months as well as the finishing point of the Madeira Island Ultra Trail - MIUT.
The beautiful coastline and distinct pebble and golden sand beaches blend harmoniously into each other, contributing to the unique landscape of Machico. The city centre is the perfect place to enjoy leisurely activities, making it popular with locals. The large square and promenade are ideal for family walks and outdoor sports such as cycling and jogging.